Numbers 26:41
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אֵ֥לֶּה בְנֵי־בִנְיָמִ֖ן לְמִשְׁפְּחֹתָ֑ם וּפְקֻ֣דֵיהֶ֔ם חֲמִשָּׁ֧ה וְאַרְבָּעִ֛ים אֶ֖לֶף וְשֵׁ֥שׁ מֵאֽוֹת׃
These are the sons of Benjamin after their families; and they that were numbered of them were forty and five thousand and six hundred.
Tree Probability: 0.133
Avg Tree Probability: 0.756

Isomorphic Trees (with leaves) -- 1
Numbers 26:41
Isomorphic Trees (internal nodes) -- 26
Genesis 8:16
Genesis 9:24
Genesis 24:17
Exodus 34:32
Exodus 35:10
Leviticus 14:39
Numbers 14:13
Numbers 20:3
Numbers 22:9
Numbers 26:34
Numbers 26:41
Deuteronomy 1:5
Deuteronomy 24:14
Isaiah 1:20
Isaiah 15:7
Isaiah 57:18
Ezekiel 48:30
Hosea 4:18
Ecclesiastes 1:5
Esther 4:17
Daniel 2:7
Daniel 4:7
I Samuel 20:24
I Kings 13:10
II Chronicles 16:13
II Chronicles 18:13